Performing Arts school in Hampton, Molesey & Esher

We are an AWARD WINNING dance school based in Hampton, Molesey & Esher, Specialising in helping all children and teenagers to achieve their full potential through performing arts. founder & principal Nicole Ndah brings her 30 year career on stage & TV to help develop talent & confidence in children.




Website privacy policy

This website is operated by KIDZ GOT TALENT LIMITED. The privacy of our users is extremely important to us and therefore we encourage all users to read this policy very carefully because it contains important information regarding:

  • who we are;

  • how and why we collect, store, use and share personal information;

  • your rights in relation to your personal information; and

  • how to contact us and supervisory authorities in the event that you have a complaint.

Who we are

KIDZ GOT TALENT LIMITED ('we', 'us', 'our') collect, use and are responsible for storing certain personal information about you ('you', 'your', 'yours').

The personal information we collect and use

Personal information is information which you can be identified from (and does not include any anonymised forms of information).

1. Types of personal information

We may process the following types of personal information in relation to you:

Contact details, email, phone number, address, date of birth.

How your personal information is collected

This section describes how the above types of personal information are collected by us. Your personal information will be collected as follows:

1. Personal information obtained from you directly

We will sometimes obtain information from you directly, including when you:

when purchasing a dance class for their child, to ensure we have emergency contact information and if they agree to first aid should their child need it whilst in our care.

2. Additional sources

We shall collect personal information in relation to you from the following sources:


3. Changes to the way in which we collect your personal information

In the event that we need to obtain personal information in relation to you from any other source than those described above, we shall notify you of this.

we use your personal information

1. General purposes

In general, your personal information will generally be processed for the following purposes:

enter into a contract of sale of services we provide.

Lawful basis for processing of your personal information

We have described above the purposes for which we may process your personal information. These purposes will at all times be justified by UK data protection law.

1. General lawful bases

The lawful basis upon which we are able to process your personal data are:

(1) where we have your consent to use your data for a specific purpose;

(2) where it is necessary to enter into a legal contract with you or to perform obligations under a legal contract with you;

(3) where it is necessary to enable us to comply with a legal obligation;

(4) where it is necessary to ensure our own legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party (provided that your own interests and rights do not override those interests). Wherever we rely upon this basis, details of the legitimate interests concerned shall be provided to you;

(5) where we need to protect your own vital interests (or the vital interests of another person); and/or

(6) where it is needed in the public interest (or where we are acting in our official functions), provided that the task or function has a clear basis in law.

In general, in order to meet the purposes we have described above, we will process your personal information where we have your express consent on each occasion that the data is processed.

Sharing of your personal information

On any occasion where any of your personal information is shared with any third party, we shall only permit them to process such information for our required purposes, under our specific instruction, and not for their own purposes. We are required to enter into a formal legal agreement to enable such sharing to take place.

We do not anticipate that we will need to share your personal information with any third party. We will notify should this position change.

Necessity of information

Where information is requested from you and you do not provide this:

an individual will not be able to purchase our services without it. We cannot have a child in our care without being able to contact the parent/carer in an emergency.

We will inform you at the point of collecting information from you, whether you are required to provide the information to us.

How long your personal information will be kept

Your personal information will only be kept for the period of time which is necessary for us to fulfil the above purposes.

We envisage that your personal information shall be retained by us for the following:

the duration it is held for is for the time the child remains having classes with us. when they opt out of using our service, all data is then removed automatically.

After the period described above, your information shall be properly deleted or anonymised.

Keeping your information secure

We will ensure the proper safety and security of your personal information and have measures in place to do so. We will also use technological and organisation measures to keep your information secure. These measures are as follows:

all access to data is protected by username and password.

We are ISO 27001 certified. This certification assists us in ensuring the safety of your personal information.

We have proper procedures in place to deal with any data security breach, which shall be reported and dealt with in accordance with data protection laws and regulations. You shall also be notified of any suspected data breach concerning your personal information.


Our website is not intended for children (anybody under the age of 18). We do not intend to collect data from children.

Your rights

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation you have a number of important rights free of charge. In summary, those include rights to:

(1) fair processing of information and transparency over how we use your use personal information;

(2) access to your personal information and to certain other supplementary information that this Privacy Statement is already designed to address;

(3) require us to correct any mistakes in your information which we hold;

(4) require the erasure of personal information concerning you in certain situations;

(5) receive the personal information concerning you which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit this information to a third party in certain situations;

(6) object at any time to processing of personal information concerning you for direct marketing;

(7) object to decisions being taken by automated means which produce legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affect you;

(8) object in certain other situations to our continued processing of your personal information, or ask us to suspend the processing procedure in order for you confirm its assurance or our reasoning for processing it;

(9) object to processing our your personal information where we are doing so in reliance upon a legitimate interest of our own or of a third party and where you wish to raise to an objection to this particular ground;

(10) otherwise restrict our processing of your personal information in certain circumstances;

(11) claim compensation for damages caused by our breach of any data protection laws; and/or

(12) in any circumstance where we rely upon your consent for processing personal information, you may withdraw this consent at any time.

For further information on each of those rights, including the circumstances in which they apply, see the Guidance from the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) on your rights under the General Data Protection Regulations.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights please contact NICOLE NDAH in the following manner:

by emailing Nicole Ndah at, or calling 07702270180

Your Requirements

If you would like this policy in another format (for example: audio, large print, braille) please contact us using the details below.

Complaints procedure

We hope that we can resolve any query or concern you raise about our use of your information.

The UK General Data Protection Regulation also gives you right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. The supervisory authority in the United Kingdom is the Information Commissioner.

Changes to the privacy policy

This privacy policy was published on 9th August 2024 and last updated on 9th August 2024.

We may change this privacy policy from time to time and will notify you of any changes by:

via emails and also updates on the website.

Contacting us

The relevant person to contact regarding your personal information is: NICOLE NDAH.

Any requests or questions regarding the use of your personal information should be made to the above named person using the following method:

by emailing Nicole Ndah at, or calling 07702270180

Sources of further Information

This policy provides key information to you regarding the processed of your information. For certain areas of our information processing, we have further comprehensive details contained in other documentation. This information can be located as follows:

all data is held online server with password protection. We use Membermeister online platform.


Kidz Got Talent Ltd Safeguarding Policy

KGT (Kidz Got Talent Ltd) fully recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding as

outlined in the Children Act 1989 and 2004.

This policy applied to all children under 18 years. KGT has a duty of care to safeguard all children from harm whilst involved in tuition, practice and performance or whilst they are otherwise in the care of KGT.

The KGT Safeguarding Policy follows good practice guidelines relating to protecting children and young people from harm such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect.

At KGT our designated safeguarding lead is: Nicole Jenkinson Ndah and they have completed Safeguarding for dance schools training to enable them to undertake this role effectively.

Our policy applies to all teachers, staff and volunteers working in the school. All teachers, staff and volunteers at KGT have a strict duty to inflict no harm and a responsibility to protect children from harm.

There are three main elements to our policy:

1. Ensuring we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff to work with children – this is achieved by running a DBS (formerly CRB) check against all new employees.

2. Raising awareness of child protection issues and equipping children with the skills needed to keep them safe.

3. Establishing a safe environment in which children can learn and develop. The school will endeavour to:

– Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to.

– Ensure children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried.

Staff are made aware of their responsibilities through; Online briefings Through training
Through team meetings
These responsibilities include:

Creating safe dance lessons though high quality teaching and ongoing teacher training

  • Creating a sense of achievement through performance and assessment opportunities

  • Creating an environment that focuses promotes equality, diversity and opportunity for all

  • Ensuring they maintain an up to date knowledge on safeguarding through training

  • Following all related policy such as health and safety and ensuring safe teaching environments.

Child Protection: Information sharing:

At KGT if we believe a child has or could be harmed we will share this information with our local authority. Although we will always try to inform parents/ carers of this decision there may be circumstances under which KGT choose to share our concern with our local authority safeguarding team. Richmond borough contact 0208 547 5008, out of hours number 0208 770 5000

without consent such as those where to do so could cause significant harm to that or another individual or where we believe a crime has been committed.

It is the responsibility of all staff at KGT to:

  • Be alert to the signs of abuse or neglect

  • To question behaviour that seems unusual or worrying

  • To write down your concerns

  • To talk to your designated safeguarding lead Nicole Jenkinson Ndah  Contact 07702 270180 email :

or deputy DSL George Ndah 07932321321

  • In an emergency situation to call 999 At KGT we protect children through:

  • Ensuring safer recruitment procedures such as DBS checking all staff are followed and receiving 2 references before any paid or unpaid individual engages in any regulated activity with children.

  • Ensuring that all supporting policies such as health and safety are also effectively followed

Ensuring we report safeguarding concerns to the local authority as necessary: Richmond borough safeguarding single point of access contact 0208 547 5008, out of hours number 0208 770 5000

• Ensuring any allegations against staff members are dealt with appropriately and are shared with the Local Authority Designated Officer

We would ask staff and volunteers at KGT to avoid situations that could cause unnecessary misunderstanding such as avoiding unnecessary physical contact and/or private or unobserved situations.


Parents and carers will be required to sign a terms and conditions form to confirm they are aware of this policy. Any concerns parents/ carers have should be raised directly with The Designated Safeguarding Lead Nicole Jenkinson Ndah or Deputy DSL George Ndah

Also included in our Terms and Conditions will be a disclaimer for all parents/ guardians/carers to give their permission for photographs and/or video recordings to be taken from: me to:me by school staff or appointed professionals for promotional material for the school and social media. If any parent/guardian/carer objects to this on the grounds of safeguarding, it is their responsibility to ensure that the principal is made aware in writing. At KGT we recognise the value of using photography to celebrate success but also the risks for children and young people associated with social media. We will safeguard children by ensuring we never publish as child’s details alongside their photograph.

Policy reviewed on (07/08/2024) by Nicole Jenkinson Ndah, date of next review is...07/08/2025


Health & Safety Policy


Our statement of general policy is:


• To provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from our work activities

• To consult with our employees/volunteers on matters affecting their health and safety

• To provide information and instruction for employees/volunteers

• To ensure all employees/volunteers are competent to do their tasks • To prevent accidents • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions • To provide and maintain safe working equipment

• To regularly review and revise this policy as necessary on a regular basis

Kidz Got Talent ensures that classes are of a size appropriate to the levels and techniques being taught and the space being used. Students in each class should be of compatible age and/or standard. We are aware of developments in Child Protection legislation and undertake Disclosure & Barring Services enhanced check as required.


Kidz Got Talent will ensure that teaching facilities are adequately maintained and provide:


• Suitable flooring appropriate to the technique taught, with a clean, safe surface; to minimise the risk of injury

• Adequate heating levels and ventilation

• Suitable, secure and safe area for changing Any potential safety hazards must be reported the Principal of the School, Nicole Jenkinson Ndah

 Risk Assessment Kidz Got Talent will carry out Risk Assessments of the facilities.

Any risks that are found should be reported to the Principal and will be dealt with appropriately


• All accidents must be reported and recorded in the accident book.

• Injuries must be reported to the Principal Nicole Jenkinson Ndah

• The First Aid Box is kept in the studio

• There is always a qualified First Aider on site

• Parents must inform principal/teacher if child has medical condition such as asthma.


Qualified First Aiders at Kidz Got Talent


• Nicole Jenkinson Ndah

• Christina Hobbins

• Hope Gemmell



Public Insurance Liability


Kidz Got Talent Limited has public liability insurance and Indemnity insurance.

Any Freelance teacher who teaches classes will be either covered via this insurance, or will have their own personal Public Liability insurance.


Kidz Got Talent will not employ anyone to teach for the school that does not have the correct insurances required.


Noise Although music is played within the dance school, the volume is kept at a level where the teacher’s voice can be heard. Smoking Policy Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the building. Drugs & Alcohol Policy Kidz Got Talent has a strict no drugs & alcohol policy.


Any pupil or teacher found using drugs or alcohol whilst attending classes or working at the school, will be presented with a verbal warning, and information on where to obtain help regarding this problem.


Parents will be advised if the pupil is under the age of 18 years. Kidz Got Talent will make sure that any teacher involved within the school, is made aware of all Health & Safety Polices, and who they should report to should the issue arise for any of the above matters.


Kidz Got Talent Ltd



  • Fees are paid in advance per term to secure your place, please note some classes have waiting lists.

  • You book via online platform at the end of term and fees are due by the first week of the new term.

  • If you recommend a friend and they join the school you will receive a 5% discount on your following term fees.

  • Fees are not refundable and cannot be carried forward.

  • Fees must also still be paid when an Elite company member misses class to be at dance competitions.

  • Fees are subject to change at the beginning of the academic year due to inflation.

  • KGT will only offer refunds floor classes we have to cancel.

  • Exam fees must be paid before the examination date and are non refundable.

  • Show fees must be paid on time in order for your child to participate. Children are expected to commit to all rehearsals.

code of conduct

pupils are expected to behave in a respectful manor to teachers, staff and other pupils at all time.

we have zero tolerance to any discrimination against another person including Racial discrimination and bullying will not be tolerated and will result in dismissal from the school.

Anyone that is abusive towards any member of staff will be instantly dismissed and will not be allowed to attend future classes. No refunds will be given.

Children must respect other pupils personal boundaries at all time.


  • Kidz Got Talent reserves the right to alter the timetable at any given time.

  • KGT has the right to alter timetables should we be faced with our hall or venue not being able to facilitate our classes.

Missed Classes

  • Fees are not amended if you are away during term time.

Parents Responsibilities

  • To make sure all contact details are up to date by completing the online registration form before you enroll with the school. Please provide several contact numbers in the unlikely case of an accident.

  • If a student is required to take medication whilst participating in KGT dance activities, parents/carers should take full responsibility and ensure teaching staff are properly informed.

  • To make sure students attend class with the uniform specified and not a variation. All uniform can be purchased via Kidz Got Talent online shop or by emailing for details.

  • Hair is to be of an appropriate style for the class, a classical ballet bun or neat pony tail. Children will not be allowed to dance with their hair down, with incorrect uniform or inappropriate footwear.

  • Please ensure your child has been to the toilet before class to avoid accidents and disruption.

  • Please ensure that all children are collected on time at the end of their class by a parent or carer. Please notify the teacher at the start of the class if someone else will be collecting your child. If you are going to be late the child will remain in the studio with the teacher until you arrive.

  • Please ensure our staff are aware of any medical conditions and any learning difficulties that may need special attention.

  • Please sign in with the teacher or receptionist at your location so we can take note of attendance.

  • KGT require 6 weeks notice if you are withdrawing your child’s place from the school, this can be done via a phone call or a written email. All classes booked are auto renewed each term and will need to be paid if you haven’t given notice of leaving as we will not have been able to give your child’s place to anyone else. Please do not tell the teacher as we have to formerly remove your data from our data base that the teacher does not have access to.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (GPDR)

  • We do not disclose or sell personal data to third parties.

  • We do not disclose personal data to other members of the School and their families.

  • The School uses contact numbers and emails for newsletters, updates, whole school and individual communication, invoices and general information.

  • Emergency Parent contact numbers are given to teachers termly for the sole use of emergency contact only.

  • Personal data is stored in a locked password encrypted email database

  • Paper registration forms are stored in a secured filing cabinet at the School’s office.

  • Hard copy information is destroyed via secure information shredding service.

  • When you leave the school all data is destroyed.


  • Children will be entered for examinations when they are ready and not necessarily at the same time.

  • Children are responsible for their dance wear and belongings – all kit should be labelled and put at the side of the studio neatly.


  • Teachers at KGT hold enhanced DBS checks and are covered under Public liability insurance

  • Teaching staff at KGT will administer basic first aid and seek further medical treatment if necessary.

  • Where appropriate teaching staff at KGT may use physical contact to support verbal instruction and corrections but will always ask permission from the student when needing to physically assist them.

  • KGT accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings whilst on the premises.

The Principal of the school reserves the right to dismiss a student from the Academy at any given time. This includes; if school rules are not followed, inappropriate behaviour towards staff or other students or for failure to make payments on time.


  • My child may be included in photography taken during classes, rehearsals or performances with EDA, for use in advertising and marketing, leaflets/posters, website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter promotion of Kidz Got Talent.

  • Use of Photographic/Filming Equipment: If a parent wishes to photograph or film the end of term watching week class, they may do so with the permission of the Principal and the teacher’s consent. If permission has not been given and filming and photography has taken place we will ask you to remove all evidence of the photography/filming.

KGT aims for all students to enter exams annually – however this is not a ‘given’ as not all students learn at the same pace and other factors can affect their readiness. The final decision as to whether a child is ready to enter an examination is made in consultation between the student’s teacher and Nicole Jenkinson Ndah Principal of Kidz Got Talent. The Principal’s decision will be final.

Students are only ever entered for exams when they:

  • Attend classes regularly to ensure they have learned the syllabus

  • Know all of the exercises thoroughly

  • Are able to commit to extra examination coaching in the weeks leading up to the examination date

  • Exam fees are paid before the examination date and are generally non refundable.

  • If you miss the payment before the due date your child will not be able to take part in the exam

  • Exam fees and extra coaching are an additional cost to the termly class fees

  • Should you wish for your child NOT to be entered in an examination, an email should be sent to the Principal.

Kidz Got Talent Ltd Safeguarding Policy
KGT (Kidz Got Talent Ltd) fully recognises its responsibili:es for safeguarding as

outlined in the Children Act 1989 and 2004.

This policy applied to all children under 18 years. KGT has a duty of care to safeguard all children from harm whilst involved in tuition, practice and performance or whilst they are otherwise in the care of KGT.

The KGT Safeguarding Policy follows good practice guidelines relaxing to protecting children and young people from harm such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect.

At KGT our designated safeguarding lead is: Nicole Jenkinson Ndah and deputy DSL Hope Roberts. They have completed Dance school safeguarding children & adults training to enable them to undertake this role effectively.

Our policy applies to all teachers, staff and volunteers working in the school. All teachers, staff and volunteers at KGT have a strict duty to inflict no harm and a responsibility to protect children from harm.

There are three main elements to our policy:

1. Ensuring we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff to work with children – this is achieved by running a DBS (formerly CRB) check against all new employees and Receiving 2 references before any paid or unpaid individual engages in regulated activity with children.

2. Raising awareness of child protection issues and equipping children with the skills needed to keep them safe.

3. Establishing a safe environment in which children can learn and develop. The school will endeavour to:

– Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to.

– Ensure children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried.

Staff are made aware of their responsibilities through;

• • •

Online briefings Through training

Through team meetings

These responsibilities include: (add a couple of clear examples here for example, use ones that are specific to your school eg)

  • Creating safe dance lessons though high quality teaching and ongoing teacher training

  • Creating a sense of achievement through performance and assessment opportunities

  • Creating an environment that focuses promotes equality, diversity and opportunity for all

  • Ensuring they maintain an up to date knowledge on safeguarding through training

  • Following all related policy such as health and safety and ensuring safe teaching environments.

    Child Protec:on: Informa:on sharing:

    At KGT if we believe a child has or could be harmed we will share this information with our local authority. Although we will always try to inform parents/ carers of this decision there may be circumstances where this could cause harm to the child and therefore KGT will only share our concern with our local authority safeguarding officer.

without consent such as those where to do so could cause significant harm to that or another individual or where we believe a crime has been committed.

It is the responsibility of all staff at KGT to:

  • Be alert to the signs of abuse or neglect

  • To question behaviour that seems unusual or worrying

  • To write down your concerns

  • To talk to your designated safeguarding lead (who will support you to share your concerns with the LA safeguarding team as appropriate).

  • In an emergency situation to call 999 At KGT we protect children through:

  • Ensuring safer recruitment procedures such as DBS checking all staff are followed

  • Ensuring that all supporting policies such as health and safety are also effectively followed

  • Ensuring we report safeguarding concerns to the local authority as necessary

  • Ensuring any allegations against staff members are dealt with appropriately and are shared with the Local Authority Designated Officer

    We would ask staff and volunteers at KGT to avoid situations that could cause unnecessary misunderstanding such as avoiding unnecessary physical contact and/or private or unobserved situations.


    Parents and carers will be required to sign a terms and conditions form to confirm they are aware of this policy. Any concerns parents/ carers have should be raised directly with Nicole Jenkinson Ndah or Hope Roberts

Also included in our Terms and CondiTIons will be a disclaimer for all parents/ guardians/carers to give their permission for photographs and/or video recordings to be taken from :me to :me by school staff or appointed professionals for promotional material for the school and social media. If any parent/guardian/carer objects to this on the grounds of safeguarding, it is their responsibility to ensure that the principal is made aware in writing. At KGT we recognise the value of using photography to celebrate success but also the risks for children and young people associated with social media. We will safeguarding children by ensuring we never publish as child’s details alongside their photograph.

Policy reviewed on (12/04/2022) by Nicole Jenkinson Ndah, date of next review is...12/04/2023

Ballet-Tap-Jazz-Street-Acro-Contemporary-Commercial-Musical Theatre-SinginDrama


Hampton Location

Lady Eleanor Hollies

Hanworth Road

Hampton TW12 3HF

Hampton 2nd location

All Saints Church

The Avenue, Hampton

TW12 3RG


Esher Location

Cranmere Primary School

Arran Way

Esher KT10 8BE


Molesey Location

Molesey Centre

2 Bishop Fox way

West Molesey KT8 2AS

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Kidz Got Talent Limited company Number 10035842

VAT registration number 469004880

Registered company address:

1-3-8 The Barracks
White Cross